MP Rotators
The Hunter MP Rotator, previously Walla Walla, is a unique multi stream rotationg sprinkler that fits most conventional spray head pop up bodies or shrub adapters. It is ideal for use with the Orbit 5400 4" or 12" pop up sprinkler bodies or the Hunter shrub pop up bodies like the insttutional or Pro spray. The MP Rotator features only one moving part for reliablity, low application rate, matched precipitation and a range from 1.4m to 9m. This makes it an ideal sprinkler for slopes and areas where good distribution is required. Available model include MP1000, MP2000, MP3000, MP Side Strip, and MP Corner. The MP corner and MP strip sprinklers maintain the principle of matched pricipitation in corners and strip areas
Female thread fits Orbit, Hunter and Rainbird pop up spray bodies